Tax audit / simulation of tax control

Tax audit / simulation of tax control


The aim of the tax audit i.e. tax control simulation is to identify potential risks in the operations of a company, as well as making proposals for minimizing the tax risks. The review shall be conducted using the method of sampling.

The tax audit i.e. tax control simulation includes the following:

  • Value Added Tax review

Includes a review of VAT calculation for certain periods. The review encompasses an inspection of VAT returns in the observed periods, and specifically the book of incoming and outgoing invoices, issued and received invoices from the aspect of the VAT Law, as well as relevant contracts and other supporting documentation. The aim of the review is to determine possible formal and essential flaws and to give suggestions for correcting them. Every invoice in the observed period is taken into account.

  • Corporate Income Tax review

Includes inspection of CIT calculation and forms which should be submitted to the Tax Administration (Tax Balance, CIT return, Tax Depreciation form, etc.). This inspection encompasses all significant positions (cost and revenue) stated in the aforementioned forms.

  • Other taxes review

This review includes inspection of all other taxes (other than VAT and Corporate Income Tax) calculated and paid in the observed period. The aim of the review is to identify other tax risks.



Branka Markovic

Tax and Outsourcing Partner
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