VAT Representative

VAT Representative

  1. Are you a company or self-employed person established in the country outside of Republic of Serbia?
  2. Do you provide services to the customers in Serbia?
  3. Are some of your Serbian customers final consumers (i.e. B2C transactions) or business entities not registered for VAT purposes?

If your answer to all above questions is YES, then you are most likely obliged to appoint VAT representative in Serbia who will on your behalf:

  • Account for and pay Serbian VAT to the Tax Authorities
  • Comply with the local requirements (i.e. submit VAT return, prepare VAT records, issue VAT invoice etc)
  • Deal with the local Tax Authorities in case of tax audit

BDO Serbia experts can help you to setup VAT representative in Serbia properly and to keep your business in accordance with the local Serbian regulations. Failure to comply with this regulations can lead to fines in case of tax audit.

Please feel free to contact us for consultations on how we can help.



Branka Markovic

Tax and Outsourcing Partner
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